Above Image: Amanda Barr, TOAST: more than this, 2025.

On View March 12 – April 27, 2025 | Gutter Box


Born in Ashland Oregon and currently living in Carolina Beach and Chapel Hill, NC, Barr has exhibited widely including at Lump in Raleigh, NC, Bird in Brooklyn, NY, The Artscenter in Carrboro, NC, Motel in Portland, OR, amongst many others. Barr serves as the Director of the Obracadobra Artist residency in Oaxaca, Mexico, is the former Director and Founder of My Room Artspace and co-founder of Attic 506 in Chapel Hill, NC, and is the owner of Bowbarr in Carrboro, NC. Barr holds a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design.

I work with any medium but love clay, because I can make things small and work almost anywhere. TOAST-more than this happened as I was looking at a piece of Dave's killer bread and after I made it, I thought that the toast wanted more than butter and Jam and lately avocado and it was looking forward to going to Winston Salem to Gutterbox and also to the beach so check it out the show if you are able.

NCMA Winston-Salem is proud to host Gutter Box at the Main Gallery entrance. Gutter Box is a sculptural object and contemporary art gallery conceived and built by artist Louis Watts and made from a retrofitted newspaper distribution box donated by Indy Week. It is a blank space, a void paused in the center of daily activity. It is a chamber of potential between the space, artists, and audience. It once was used to disseminate information via newspaper but has been repurposed as an unexpected white cube gallery space.

Originally the box lived outside of Lump, an artist-run gallery in Raleigh, NC. The project now lives in front of NCMA Winston-Salem. Gutter Box offers artists of all disciplines, interests, and locations an opportunity to bend their ideas into this funky little white box. It also provides the passer-by with a brief and surprising encounter with a contemporary gallery space.

Learn more about the project at https://www.gutterboxgallery.com/